Knowing Where Have All Our Leaders Gone?
Knowing Where Have All Our Leaders Gone? - " Stan the Man Musial " recently passed. Wow, do I totally have fond memories of that schoolboy. When dispassionate a boy, in Oklahoma farm country, I listened to partly every broadcast of Highest baseball. I especially flash when Stan hit 5 homeruns in one spell. I grew to remarkably commend the man, Stan Musial, now myriad others did. He was not isolated superior at his craft but he was shy, focused, and an exceptional role model and harbinger. I am thankful for the reflection of an desirable role model and conductor. Especially consequently through we seem to be having difficulty identifying leaders mislaid " feet of clay " these days.
I have a theory of why that is, but perhaps it is rigid the pressure of a 24 / 7 news course. Perhaps we are looking for leaders in the rotten places, double sports. Expert sports or politics don ' t seem to be the whole - spring of headship, do they?
Leaders charge certainly come from the sport ' s microcosm but I don ' t mark numberless on the horizon that could match " Stan the Man. " Teeming occurrence up but few finish. And that is one concept Stan Musial did. He finished! Myriad of today ' s leaders are what one might call " faux leaders, " exhibiting guidance skills that seem pleasing, but when they come underneath closer scrutiny, they crumble.
One apart has to timer the evening story to be concerned about the " feet of clay " lousy with of our coeval presumed leaders seem to have. The likes of Javelin Armstrong Tiger Woods, Hilary Clinton, Bill Clinton or precise Michael Phelps don ' t seem to have what takes. The natter a pleasing sport but don ' t deliver. Politicians and sports figures are not alone. Divers business leaders and disintegrate when unbefitting pressure. They " fail, " onset emptiness and scruple.
I have habituated the notion of " direction flag " a lot of discerning and a considerable amount of recent gossip, on several LinkedIn groups I belong to fabricated me presume. The talk was about an determining subject - Rectitude.
I puzzlement if we aligned understand what Honestness purely is. I suppose candor principal to solid, far-reaching - lasting leadership. It does not; however, seem to be important to many. Many leaders seem to think that because they are leaders their actions become invisible and don ' t matter. Surprise, surprise, they aren ' t ( invisible ) and they do ( matter ).
Webster ' s defines integrity as Honesty. Because leaders must have followers and followers become so because of trust and trust is built upon knowing that your leader will do what they say they will do, honesty is a good trait among us all but especially among leaders. When a leader is dishonest the whole leader / follower relationship dissolves.
As a leader, you have a responsibility to your followers - to be a man or woman of integrity and honesty - to be someone you can trust to do what you say you will do. This whole thing plays itself out before our eyes every day. Politicians, for instance, are elected because they say they will do certain things, yet once elected they do and say only what they think will get them re - elected. Many have no agenda other that hoping a colleague will say something or do something to give them an edge. What a shame. What a waste! " No guts, no glory! ". see also, Tips To Give More To Get More Clients
The American people are not dumb and they are figuring it out. The question is " what to do about it? " There will be a time in the future when leaders will be held accountable to do what they say they will do. I believe that the " headwaters of integrity " are found in the definition of the word itself. We all need to know that on the simplest of terms the meaning of Integrity is doing what you say you will do. Leaders with integrity are built on less talk and more understanding and commitment. They are careful about their commitments because they want to keep them.
Most organizations would do well to include Integrity training in the Onboarding of every new hire and then see the organization reward those that exhibit it. Knowing Where Have All Our Leaders Gone?
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